Misleading the Community: Van Vreede Telling Leaves Out Key Details


Selective Sharing:  Tiffany Van Vreede chose to share only part of the information regarding Superintendent Andy Space’s resignation, omitting crucial details about the inaccuracies in his statements.

Questionable Motives:  Why did Van Vreede decide to withhold the full truth from the community? What does this say about her integrity and understanding of her role as a school board member?

Impact on Community Trust: Van Vreede’s actions have caused division within the community and raised concerns about transparency and accountability.

Severe Allegations Against Andy Space:  The allegations included issues with school purchases, open meetings law violations, poor board and staff relations, and insubordination.

Van Vreede’s Role in the Recall: She is actively engaged in the recall against Angela Hanson Winker and has been vocal in slandering fellow board members.

Misunderstanding of Responsibilities:  Van Vreede’s stance on trusting the administration and not getting involved in day-to-day operations shows a lack of understanding of her duties as a school board member.

Van Vreede’s Attempt To Conseal Truth Exposed

During the recall, a Facebook post by Wrightstown Community School District board member Tiffany Van Vreede ignited a firestorm of controversy. Van Vreede shared statements from recently retired Superintendent Andy Space, painting the school board negatively. However, she failed to mention that Space’s response to the allegations against him was riddled with inaccuracies, as pointed out by the school board attorney. Van Vreede was aware of these inaccuracies, having been present in the meetings and in possession of the attorney’s corrections. Van Vreede had the official response from the district council and chose not to share this with the public. 

The Initial Allegations

The controversy began when Superintendent Andy Space was essentially forced to resign following multiple allegations of misconduct. These allegations included issues with school purchases, violations of open meeting laws, poor relations with the board and staff, and insubordination. The severity of these allegations was such that, absent a contract with the school district, Space might have been walked out of any other job.

The Decision to Retire

Faced with these allegations, Space chose not to go to a public hearing to answer questions brought up in the investigation. Instead, he opted to retire. This decision came after a meeting with Board President Angela Hanson, Winker, and board member Rayn Warner, during which Space was reportedly harassed and verbally assaulted. This incident was reported to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, who advised contacting the school’s outside counsel.

The Investigation

An action plan was developed to improve Space’s performance, but more concerning information came to light. During this time, the board voted to bring on a new law firm while the firm assisting with Space’s action plan continued its work. By September, it became evident that more serious issues were at play, leading the new legal counsel to recommend a full investigation into Space’s conduct. Board attorney James Macy informed the board of this recommendation, and despite some questions, there were no objections, and the investigation commenced.

The Allegations

Two months later, Macy provided an update, revealing several allegations against Space. Although the investigation was incomplete, there was enough evidence to proceed to a public hearing, allowing the community to understand the situation and giving Space a chance to explain his perspective. Macy also offered a second option: negotiating with Space. Faced with severe allegations, Space resigned before negotiations began, avoiding a public hearing.

The Facebook Post

Space was given the opportunity to respond to the allegations in writing, but his response contained several inaccuracies, which the attorney corrected and shared with all board members. Despite knowing this, Tiffany Van Vreede posted Space’s response on Facebook, spreading misinformation and causing division within the community.

Wrightstown Community Reaction

Community members are now questioning Van Vreede’s motives. Why would she share only part of the story, knowing that Space’s claims were false? This selective sharing has caused a rift within the community, with many demanding transparency and accountability from their elected officials. Additionally, concerns have been raised about Van Vreede’s ties to an organization seeking a $1 million project on school grounds, further complicating the situation.

The Bigger Picture

Van Vreede’s actions have not only undermined trust in the school board but have also highlighted her misunderstanding of her responsibilities as a board member. She has been one of the most vocally active individuals on Facebook and in the community, slandering fellow board members and attempting to stop them from fulfilling their statutory obligations. Her insistence on trusting the administration and not getting involved in day-to-day operations shows a lack of understanding of her role, which is to ensure accountability and transparency.

As the community grapples with these revelations, the question remains:  What type of school board do we want? One that covers up corruption, or one that stands for integrity and transparency? Do the actions of Tiffany Van Vreede point to an interest in protecting herself and her allies or is leaving out key information for the public to view necessary for her to do what is in the best interest of the students, teachers, and community of Wrightstown?

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